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My Pet Dog 나의 애완견

바이탈쥴리 2024. 4. 14. 19:39

My Pet Dog 나의 애완견
My Pet Dog 나의 애완견

Meet my pet dog, Rocky.

He is a small, fluffy poodle with white fur and big, brown eyes

that always look happy.

Rocky loves to play all day.

His favorite game is fetching his red ball.

When I throw the ball,

he runs very fast to get it and brings it back to me.





Rocky has some funny habits.

He spins around in circles before he sits down, which makes me laugh.

He also has a special spot in front of the window where he likes to watch birds and take naps in the afternoon.


I love Rocky because he knows when I am sad.

He comes and sits next to me and stays there until I feel better.

He is not just a pet; he is my best friend.


Rocky makes every day more fun.

I love spending time with him, playing, and going on walks.

He is an important part of our family.



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